
  • 2022年1月15日


    In the history of the United States, the thirteen colonies played a significant role in the nation`s birth. From the onset, it was evident that these colonies had to work together to form a new country. One way they did this was by agreeing on a particular word that would show unity and agreement on a particular matter.

    That word is “unanimous.”

    Unanimous reflects the idea that everyone is on the same page, with no dissenting voices. When the thirteen colonies declared their independence from Great Britain, they did so unanimously. All representatives from all thirteen colonies signed the Declaration of Independence, signifying a unified front in their quest for independence.

    In addition to the Declaration of Independence, the word “unanimous” also played a significant role in the formation of the Constitution. When the delegates gathered to draft the Constitution, they did so with the understanding that they had to work together to create a document that would benefit everyone.

    For this reason, they made sure that any decisions made by the Constitutional Convention had to be unanimous. This meant that every delegate had to agree on every aspect of the Constitution before it could be adopted. Ultimately, this measure ensured that the Constitution was crafted with the input of every state, resulting in a document that would serve as the foundation of the nation for centuries to come.

    In conclusion, the word “unanimous” is vital in the history of the United States, particularly to the thirteen colonies. It signifies unity, agreement, and collaboration, which play a fundamental role in the formation of the nation. Whenever the colonies used the word “unanimous,” it demonstrated that they were a force to be reckoned with, and their collective efforts would shape the future of the country.

  • 2022年1月15日


    Agreement with Guatemala: Understanding the New Immigration Policy

    On July 26, 2019, the United States and Guatemala signed the Asylum Cooperative Agreement. This agreement established a new immigration policy that aims to limit the number of asylum seekers entering the United States from Central America.

    Under the terms of the agreement, the United States has the authority to send asylum seekers who passed through Guatemala to seek asylum in the United States back to Guatemala to apply for asylum there first. This policy also applies to other Central American countries if they pass through Guatemala on their way to the United States.

    The purpose of this agreement is to establish a regional approach to the immigration crisis. The United States and Guatemala aim to work together to address the root causes of migration and asylum claims. They hope to establish a system of cooperation that would reduce the number of asylum seekers entering the United States.

    The agreement has been met with criticism from human rights organizations. They argue that Guatemala is not a safe country for asylum seekers and that the country`s asylum system is inadequate. Additionally, there are concerns about the safety of LGBTQ individuals, women, and children in Guatemala.

    Proponents of the agreement argue that it is a step in the right direction to address the immigration crisis. They argue that it will help to reduce the number of fraudulent asylum claims and limit the number of people entering the United States illegally.

    So, what does this mean for asylum seekers from Central America? Under the new policy, asylum seekers who pass through Guatemala must apply for asylum there first. If their claim is denied, they will be sent back to their home country. If their claim is accepted in Guatemala, they will not be able to seek asylum in the United States.

    The agreement with Guatemala will have significant implications for the immigration system in the United States. It has already been met with legal challenges and has yet to be fully implemented. It remains to be seen how effective this policy will be in addressing the immigration crisis and reducing the number of asylum seekers entering the United States.