Eb Agreement Sa Health


EB Agreement SA Health: What You Need to Know

If you`re an employee of the South Australian Health Department, you may have heard about the recent negotiations for the new enterprise bargaining (EB) agreement. The SA Health EB agreement covers a range of issues, from pay rates to working conditions, and is designed to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all staff members.

So what does the new EB agreement mean for SA Health employees? Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Pay rates

One of the primary concerns for many employees is pay rates. The new EB agreement includes a 2.35% increase for all staff, effective from 1 July 2021. In addition, there are various provisions for salary progression and career advancement, including a commitment to review the salaries of `job families` to ensure they are competitive with the market.

Working conditions

The new EB agreement also includes provisions for improved working conditions, such as increased parental leave entitlements, access to flexible working arrangements, and better support for staff who experience workplace bullying or harassment. There are also measures to address workload issues, including the development of workload management plans and the provision of additional resources where needed.

Training and development

The SA Health EB agreement places a strong emphasis on staff training and development, with provisions for ongoing education and professional development opportunities. This includes funding for courses and conferences, as well as support for staff who wish to undertake further study or research.

Workforce planning

To ensure that SA Health is able to meet the needs of the community now and in the future, the new EB agreement includes provisions for workforce planning. This includes the development of a workforce strategy, as well as measures to address recruitment and retention issues in key areas.

What`s next?

The new SA Health EB agreement has now been approved by the Fair Work Commission and will come into effect from 25 May 2021. While there are still some details to be finalised, the new agreement represents a positive step forward for SA Health employees and the wider South Australian community.

If you`re an SA Health employee, it`s important to familiarise yourself with the new EB agreement and its provisions. You can find more information on the SA Health intranet, or by contacting your union representative or HR manager.

In summary, the new SA Health EB agreement provides for fair and equitable treatment of employees, with provisions for pay rates, working conditions, training and development, and workforce planning. It represents a positive step forward for SA Health and its employees, and is a reflection of the importance of investing in a skilled and motivated workforce to deliver high-quality healthcare to the community.
